Ruby Yam Dessert

Sugar-Free, Low Glycemic Index

Jazz Cooking For Creative Foodies Who Love To Improvise

You will notice that this is a differently written recipe, in that it only approximates or suggests quantities of ingredients, cooking time and number of portions. This is intended to give you complete freedom to improvise, create and adjust the flavor to your preference and the quantity of ingredients to the dish you plan to prepare.

Important: For reasons of both health and flavor, we use and recommend that only organic ingredients be included—if possible.


  • Ruby Yams—we used one large and a medium size yam, for 10-12 dessert portions. Other kinds of yams or sweet potatoes also work well for this recipe, but since we do not have to use any sweeter to make it a bona fide dessert, we found that the Ruby Yam (also known as the Japanese Ruby Yam) is the most delicious.
  • ½ to ¾ cups of raisins or dried cranberries
  • ½ to 2 teaspoons powdered cinnamon
  • ¼ teaspoon liquid vanilla extract
  • Optional: 2 tablespoons Cognac


  • Cut yams into halves, do NOT peel, and boil in bottled water until soft enough to purée with a fork
  • Peel the yams and purée until it is free of lumps (mashing it in stages on a flat dinner plate works well)
  • Transfer puréed yams into big mixing bowl
  • Soak raisins or dry cranberries in boiling water for 2 seconds to plump them—and add to the bowl
  • Add cinnamon, vanilla extract and (optional) Cognac to bowl
  • Mix thoroughly to distribute ingredients evenly and
  • Refrigerate

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NOTE: This is nutritious dish and while the yams and dry cranberries have low calorie count and low glycemic index (without cinnamon or vanilla extract adding any of either), the raisins are the opposite (as is the alcohol).  This dessert keeps well—in fact, improves in flavor—when refrigerated and keeps fresh for a week or more. It is also a most satisfying dessert for anyone with a sweet tooth.



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